professional development

 professional development 

Q3): Discus the role of open and distance education in professional development of teachers.

Ans. Combining teacher education and open distance learning

* professional development courses

* professional development  for early childhood educators

 * professional development for early childhood teachers

A growing literature has been devoted to reviewing the strengths and limitations of OLD in teacher education. A useful synthesis of those themes requiring careful was provided by Perraton, who focused on three expectations of teaching a profession; identification of the stakeholders influencing and controlling that profession; and the curriculum of teacher education.

Higher education through open and distance learning traced efforts to develop teacher education programmers using varying degrees of OLD in institutions as diverse as the Bangladesh Open University, the Indira Gandhi National open university, the Open University of Tanzania, the university of the south pacific and the university of the west Indies. Included in the same book were OLD experiences in China, Latin America and South Africa.

Some of this literature has focused on the rapidly developing technologies available to support teacher education via OLD. For example, fung investigated the use of printed materials in an service primary school distance teacher education course and found that the participating teachers agreed that the materials achieved the course objectives but that distance teacher educators must find ways to encourage learners to engage in in-text activities if such activities are to achieve their potential and that research on print materials particularly on ways of achieving goals in teacher education should not be neglected at a time of increasing use of distance education in teacher education.

This is timely reminder given that the capacity to afford more technically sophisticated technologies is unevenly distributed among countries and institutions, and given the widespread assumption that providing content in a particular format automatically facilitates learner’s engagement with that content. Similar concerns attend a very different set of technologies more recently associate with distance learning for teachers professional development mobile devices.

These factors apply also to other technologies, including print as noted by fung and reinforce the need for caution in selecting a particular technological mix when planning a teacher education programmer for open and distance learners. Considerable diversity also exists in target groups for teacher education programmers via OLD.

With more teachers taking on postgraduate study butcher and sieminski focused on the development of a doctor of education programmer via distance at the Open University in the United Kingdom.

This is a definitive assertion not only of a distinct differentiation between face to face and distance education but also of the superiority of distance education provided it is accompanied by the appropriate and ragogical principles and support mechanisms to face to face education for these particular learners.

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