Pakistan has opened a 1,000-year-old Hindu sanctuary in eastern city Sialkot for "love" interestingly since segment on the interest of the nearby Hindu people group, authorities said on Monday. 

The Shawala Teja Singh sanctuary, situated in city's blocked Dhaarowal region, some 100-km from Lahore, is over 1,000 years of age, as indicated by the book 'History of Sialkot' by the late Rashid Niaz. 

"The Evacuee Trust Property Board, which cares for the sacred spots of minorities in Pakistan, has opened Shawala Teja Singh sanctuary after the parcel on the interest of the neighborhood Hindu people group," ETPB representative Amir Hashmi told PTI. 

He said since there was no Hindu populace before living in the city the sanctuary was shut for love. 

"The sanctuary was in part harmed during assaults on sanctuaries here in response to Babri Mosque in 1992," he said, adding that the ETPB completed rebuilding work of the sanctuary on the bearing of Board director Dr Amir Ahmed as of late. 

ETPB Deputy Director Fraz Abbas disclosed to PTI that the reclamation work of this sanctuary is as yet in progress and the board is relied upon to finish it in the blink of an eye. 

"The sanctuary has been opened for love interestingly since segment. Nearly 2,000 Hindus are living in this region and they are so glad to visit their extremely old love place. Presently a decent number of neighborhood Hindus are visiting it. Hindus from different pieces of the nation are likewise expected to visit this sanctuary," he said. 

Abbas said the meeting Indian Hindus will likewise be taken to this sanctuary. 

Neighborhood Hindu pioneers Rattan Laal and Rumaish Kumar have invited the public authority's progression to reestablish the sanctuary and open it for the minority local area. 

Hindus structure the greatest minority local area in Pakistan. 

As indicated by true gauges, 75 lakh Hindus live in Pakistan. Be that as it may, as per the local area, more than 90 lakh Hindus are living in the country. 

Larger part of Pakistan's Hindu populace is gotten comfortable Sindh territory where they share culture, customs and language with their Muslim colleagues.

Just about 1,000-year-old Shawala Teja Singh Temple situated in Sialkot city of Pakistan, which was fixed for most recent 72 years, has been re-opened for aficionados for the first run through since parcel. Choice to return sanctuary was given by Paksitan Prime Minister Imran Khan. 

Shawala Teja Singh Temple 

History: Shawala Teja Singh sanctuary is an antiquated Hindu sanctuary which was worked by Sardar Teja Singh. It is committed to Hindu divinity Shiva, in Sialkot in Punjab region of Pakistan. Explorers climb a lofty flight of stairs to arrive at sanctuary. It was closed down during Partition. In1992 a horde challenging destruction of Babri Masjid in India had allegedly harmed sanctuary, following which Hindu pioneers had quit visiting it. 

Evacuee Trust Property Board (ETPB) cares for heavenly places of minorities in Pakistan. ETPB has opened Shawala Teja Singh sanctuary after Partition on request of nearby Hindu people group. The board is additionally embraced reclamation work of this sanctuary which is as yet in progress and is relied upon to finish it in no time. 

Meaning of Re-opening: 

Reestablishing and re-opening of Shawala Teja Singh sanctuary is a significant ruling for Hindu travelers who structure greatest minority local area in Pakistan. According to true gauges almost 75 lakh Hindus live in Pakistan. Dominant part of them are gotten comfortable Sindh area where they share culture, customs and language with Muslims. 

Hindu traveler from India can likewise visit the sanctuary.

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