Q1): Explain the relationship of ethics and education. What are the responsibilities of a teacher in this regards?

Ans. Teaching is very complicated task to perform. Teachers who teach students need to know a lot about pros and cons of this profession. This is a noble profession and a profession of all the messengers of Allah who came to guide the humanity towards the right path. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was sent as a need to adopt high level of morality in order to send example for their students to copy.

Educational policies and plans are developed after very careful analysis of where we are and where we need to go. Teachers are prepare to implement what was through of our new generation in terms of knowledge, skill and dispositions. Teachers are the only sources who can make this dream a reality. The preparation of teaching force also needs very careful planning. Teachers need to be prepared in such a way that they perform their duties without any problem e. g. social, financial, emotional, psychological etc.

Right to education in Pakistan

Development of responsible, capable and conscious individuals and societies is not possible without provision of educational facilities. Education is not only necessary for every child but it is their basic right hence it is the primary responsibility of state to enable its citizens to access education. Many countries has constituted by laws that education is the basic and foremost right of every individual.

Article 37 B of the constitution of Pakistan stated: “the state shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimal possible time”. In 2010 government of Pakistan has also included right to education through article 25 A of the 18th amendment. Amendment to the education is the first step and it is necessary to make law for its proper implementation in the country. The statement of article 25 A is as follows: “the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law”. RTE is recognized since the Universal declaration of human rights in its article 26 and UNESCO has adopted it as free and compulsory basic education for children from 1951.

Teacher as a role model

A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model is someone we admire and someone we aspire to be like. We learn through them, through their commitment to excellence and through their ability to make us realize our own personal growth. We look at them for advice and guidance.

A role model can be anybody: a parent, a sibling, a friend but some of our most influential and life changing role models are teachers. After parent, students learn from their teachers. Teachers teach their students from pre-primary, elementary and so on, up to the stage when they become young adult.

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