Q5): What do you mean by individual deference?

Ans. Meaning and nature of individual differences.

Experimental psychology has thrown adequate light on the nature and extent of individual difference; the feedings of modern psychological test and measurements have amply demonstrated that individual cannot fall into distinct categories in respect of any physical or mental trait. On the other hands all measures of individual, whether they be physical, mental, and emotional or some other show that they tend to distribute themselves according to the law of the normal probability curve.

The normal curve is bell shaped and bilaterally symmetrical on each side of its central tendency the mean. Just as many persons are above the average as are below it, starting with the lowest score there is a gradually increasing number of persons making each next higher score gradually decrease until the highest score is reached. For example, the following table indicates the distribution of intelligence according to the normal probability curve.

Individual not only differ among themselves with respects to a specific trait but differences may also be noticed within the same individual when he in respect of various traits. Differences may also be noticed within the same individual with respect to performance of a particular task at different time. Runners differ in running the same distance say 2km. the same runner may cover the same distance taking different times on different occasions.

Thus there are inter individual differences and the intra individual differences and both must be considered in studding individual differences.

  As you look within yourself and or the people around you, you realize that you are a very special and unique being. Nobody else in the world is quite like you. Nobody else in the world has the same physiological equipment, the same genetic code or has experienced the same sequence of life situations. Nobody else use the identical blend defense mechanism that you use when encountering stress and nobody else is guided by the exact mixture of motives, attitudes ,and feelings. Thus one of the basic themes of physiological is that of individual differences.

No one is exactly like anyone else. Except term of the needs of the human species, that you eat, drink, breathe, sleep, exercise and require same physiological needs. The difference that occurs amongst children of the same age is in then maturational and learning processes. The task of the school is to provide for the common needs of the students with taking into account the unique characteristics of each individual. No easy situation to the task has yet been found, however, knowledge about the kind of difference is becoming more complete.

types and nature of individual differences

1. Actual contrasts: 

Brevity or height of height, dimness or reasonableness of appearance, largeness, slimness, or shortcoming are different actual individual contrasts. 

2. Contrasts in insight: 

There are contrasts in knowledge level among various people. We can arrange the people from super-typical (over 120 I.Q.) to imbeciles (from 0 to 50 I.Q.) based on their knowledge level.

individual differences in personality

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