key words 

  • Charades... 
  • Hangman... 
  • Scatter-glories... 
  • Bingo... 
  • Puzzles...
  • Draw swords...
  • Hot potato... 
  • Pictionary...

Ans: classroom activities to develop morality

Majority of childhood education experts agree that building a child’s character must being at preschool age. During this period children can be easily molded and guided to learn about what is right and what is wrong and to learn to live a value filled life. They can easily absorb and follow what they see and hear from the adults in their surroundings.

Thus teaching positive values such as honesty courage responsibility, sympathy, honesty, self –discipline, kindness, friendliness, tolerance, respect, love, justice and pity will likely be more effective when the youngsters are at preschool age than when they are at adolescent age.

At this level teacher can use the following classroom activities to promote moral development.

1): Telling and reading stories:

All children enjoy listening to and reading folk tales, fairy tales, and stories where animals are the main characters. Teachers can select such story books in Urdu or in mother tongue

2): learning and singing songs:

Most children love learning and singing songs. Adolescents and adults also like songs and singing especially if they can identify with the music. Through poems and songs moral values can be indorsed.

3): Role playing a story:

Majority of children like to wear particular dress and acting out the roles of different characters. For teaching the value of hard work truth empathy teacher can use playing in classroom.

1): Characteristics of elementary learners

In elementary school child can easily put himself in another person’s shoes; can show empathy.

Children are able to reason things as an important reason for kindness.

Children try to reason things out and increase their moral understanding. They often shout it is not fair.

It should be noted that elementary children will test boundaries as part of their moral development. They are exploring where the line fails. This requires the adults in their worlds to follow rules which are put in place. Failure to do so results in moral ambiguity which the elementary child quickly picks up on learning that we don’t really mean what we say. Not ideal when these children are forming their sense of morality.

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