need of knowledge


Hello and welcome to the new class my

key words

* Need of knowledge management

* Need of knowledge representation
* Need of knowledge of educational psychology to a teacher

my name is kaveeta and I am your tutor for
the present exercise now the thing are we going to adapt today here English as in language has a sizable amount of words that you or me can even consider and it is vital to know the utilization of the basic words so you are in every case syntactically right consequently here we will adapt today utilizing the word need now slick what strikes a chord when you think about this word need is a need it implies require.
 it is an absolute necessity have right so this need goes about as your principle action word which implies. it is required or it is a need so we should investigate a few models here that would disclose it to you in much better manner now I need assistance here need is your fundamental action word.
 it is the lone word in this sentence so need the assistance is required it is vital so that clarifies I need assistance we can likewise investigate another sentence here I need some new winter garments perhaps it is freezing outside so winter garments is a need thusly you would say I need some new winter garments sumeet is your principle action word here.
 we additionally have sentence composed here she needs to converse with him now she is your third individual while meat is your primary word in any case. we should weight on the word s now we are utilizing this the explanation since she is the third individual here we likewise have two additional structures to require which is required
 and obviously required is your past and required again is your previous participle so here we learnt need when utilized as your primary action word presently how about we perceive how need can be utilized as a helper
 action word now when need is utilized as an assistant action word it is regularly utilized as in bad sin tenses and furthermore in inquiries to disclose this to you we have sin tense here you need not ask my authorization here me is a supporting word to ask is your fundamental word there 
isn't is your negative word okay to require is here a supporting work we should take a gander at an inquiry here mean we stand by any more drawn out now this is an inquiry here that make me stand by any more. on the off chance that your response to this is a positive answer you would say yes you should and 
if your answer is negative to this inquiry that you would say no you need not so now this clarifies that how we utilized the word need as a primary work and as an assistant action word OK presently how about
 we see here that how we can utilize the word need in the past it truly implies that pointless things that occurred before so to clarify this better we should take a gander at certain models here we needn't have sat tight for them now here neden is the negative right half in addition to held up is your previous participle
 so this clarifies that we needn't have sat tight for them this implies that it was superfluous that we sat tight for them . how about we take a gander at another sentence here that you needn't have blown your top again here Medan is your negative 1/2 or more the previous participle that is lost so blowing your top was simply pointless so that is the reason we utilize the sentence that you needn't have blown your top 
we should take a gander at now we adapted now as the primary action word as the assistant action word and how the need can be utilized in the past now we likewise use need as a thing currently let me clarify 
how now training is a need here slick as you thing since it is anything but a necessity however we have different kind requirements there like there are sorts of requirements like food attire cover is your need right .
 so this need would go about as your thing here now we should see what is the contrast between a need and a longing now what's the significance here me it would be again your need like two suppers in a day or three dinners in a day is a need right
 so here this need implies that it's a need though want is your craving like well my craving is to suffer a heart attack or a Lamborghini so here want isn't your need subsequently this gives you the distinction between the meat and the longing great expectation
 this exercise assisted you with knowing the employments of the word need and the following time you utilize this word you are certain and you realize that you are linguistically right so thank you for tuning in to us here for any curries and remarks if it's not too much trouble, send in to us up to that point you take care I'll see you in the following class

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