Characteristics of learners at elementary level

Learners at elementary level may exhibit the following characteristics:

·        Difficulty in starting things but will continue to end   Worries related to school performance Beginning of empathy sees others views point

·        Sense of humor expressed in riddles, practical jokes, and nonsense words

·        Discrimination between good and bad but still immature Is sensitive and gets hurt easily

·        Has sense of possession and takes care of possession.

Activities to promote emotional health at elementary level

A teacher can promote social emotional development in classroom if he is sensitive to children’s needs helps them feel secure and confident, and acts as model for effective social behavior.

Following activities can be used to develop emotional skills among learners:

Tone of voice

Learning objective: to help children recognize that how things are said can be just as important as what is said

Skill: emotional communication self-awareness

Ask the students what they think tone of voice means write down all of the ideas on board give examples of different tones of voice.

Explain to the students:

The tone of your voice how you are actually saying something communicates what you feel. Often your tone of voice can stronger message than your words. Sometimes how you say something can change the meaning of what you are saying. It can even give the message that you don’t really mean what you are saying.

Ask the children to sit in a circle. Going around the circle ask them to give examples of voice tone that can change the meaning of what’s being said or communicate the wrong feeling. Example 1: the first child in the circle says. I love ice cream in a bored voice. The next child then says. I love ice cream as though she really does love it.

Example 2: the next child says. I have to do so much homework! In a happy voice the next child says the same sentence in a tone he thinks appropriate such as unhappy or angry.

Provide every child a chance to participate in the activity.

1): Facial expressions

Learning objective: to each children the difference between facial expressions to identify possible causes for these expressions

Skill: emotional communication self-awareness

Ask the children when you look at people a faces what their expression tell you brainstorm ideas and write them on the board.۔

Feelings can assume a significant part by they way we think and carry on. The feelings we feel every day can propel us to make a move and impact the choices we make about our lives, both enormous and little. To really get feelings, it is essential to comprehend the three basic segments of a feeling. 

There are three sections to a feeling: 

An abstract part (how you experience the feeling) 

A physiological part (how your bodies respond to the feeling) 

An expressive part (how you act because of the feeling). 

These various components can assume a part in the capacity and motivation behind your passionate reactions. 

Feelings can be brief, like a glimmer of disturbance at a collaborator, or durable, like suffering pity over the passing of a relationship. In any case, why precisely do we encounter feelings? Which job do they serve

key words 
Role of emotions in organizational behavior

Importance of emotions in education

Role of emotions in motivation

Role of emotions in communication

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